• The Window Rock High School Graphic Design/Digital Photography provides Laptop/iPad to students for educational purposes as an important learning tool. It is the student's responsibility to care for the Laptop/iPad and ensure that it is kept in a safe environment.

    The student and parent/guardian must agree to and acknowledge the following each school year prior to being issued a device: 

    • The Laptop/iPad, its accessories, and apps are the property of the Window Rock CTE High School at all times.
    • All district policies including the Network Acceptable Use Policy apply when the Laptop/iPad is being used in school, at home, or elsewhere. Web-filtering tools to monitor content accessed by students are on the WRUSD network only. Parents/guardians must monitor student use outside of school.
    • District apps or programs should not be removed from the device.
    • Students may not deface or destroy their iPad in any way. This includes using stickers or decals.
    • The Laptop/iPad should be treated with care, not dropped or left outside in extreme conditions or temperatures.
    • The Laptop/iPad should be kept in its district-issued case at all times and in a secure location when not in use. Only a dry cloth should be used to clean the device.
    • The Laptop/iPad must be used appropriately at all times and free of pictures, videos, apps, and other media that are not educational. This includes the use of email and messaging apps.
    • The contents of the Laptop/iPad including browsing history may be searched or viewed at any time.
    • If the Laptop/iPad is damaged, it is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to repair or replace the device. Do not attempt to repair a damaged Laptop/iPad at home. All damages must be reported to the student’s school immediately. This damage report form must also be completed.
    • If the Laptop/iPad is lost or stolen, report it to the student’s school immediately and fill out this damage report form. A police report is required if the Laptop/iPad is stolen.
    • The Laptop/iPad is for the student’s use only and must not be lent to anyone. Accounts, Passwords, and content assigned to the student should be kept secure and not shared.
    • The Laptop/iPad should be taken to school and home each school day and charged nightly.
    • The Laptop/iPad must be returned in good working order at the end of the school year or if the student withdraws from the Window Rock High School.


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