Phone: 928 729 7032
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Sean Ahasteen
Yá’át’ééh (It is good; welcome; hello) shik’éí dóó shidine’é (my family and my people, friends)
Shí éí Sean Ahasteen yinishyé (I am called Sean Ahasteen)
I am Bit'ahnii (Within His Cover clan) nishłį́.
born for (Tódich'ii'nii Bitter Water clan) éí bá shíshchíín.
My cheii (Grandpa on Mom's side) is 'Áshįįhi (Salt People clan) ’éí dashicheii.
and my nálí (Grandpa on Dad's side) is Táchii'nii (Red Running Into the Water People clan) ’éí dashinálí.
Ahéhee’ (Thank You! I am grateful!)
I am Sean Ahasteen and am the Graphic Design teacher at Window Rock High School. I have been teaching at WRHS since the Fall of 2013
I am a Graphic Designer, Artist and Photographer by trade and create branding, packaging, advertising and marketing materials for print and web use. I use Adobe InDesign along with the rest if the Creative Suite — I live in the Creative Suite!
Apart from designing and teaching I am passionate about Painting, Photography, traveling and my family.
Graphic Design is an integral part of all of our live’s, we experience it on a daily basis. It comes to us in our mail, on our computers, on street signs and as we drive to and from work. As a graphic designer you will make a visual impact on people’s lives and on your own.
Graphic design is visual communication and my hope is for you to develop a passion for it and that you enjoy learning.