SCOUTS PRIDE will not operate during the 2023-2024 SY
The WRUSD Ed-P program is designed to meet the needs of students with significant emotional and behavioral challenges by providing extensive educational, behavioral, and mental health supports within the district and community environment to facilitate academic and emotional growth and ultimately reintegration into the least restrictive environment.
Student Characteristics
- WRUSD high school, middle school and elementary students with special education eligibility in the area of Emotional Disability who demonstrate a history of continuous and/or escalating behavioral and emotional needs that interfere with educational success despite increased supports and interventions within the continuum of settings: traditional classroom, resource classroom, alternative education classroom, self-contained classroom.
- WRUSD high school, middle school, and elementary students requiring a highly supervised, highly structured physical environment to ensure care and safety of the student
- WRUSD high school, middle school and elementary students requiring a highly structured and co-existing educational and therapeutic environment that incorporates consistent cognitive behavioral counseling and a positive behavior intervention plan throughout the day
- WRUSD high school, middle school and elementary students requiring additional supports as part of their individualized reintegration program from a more restrictive outside facility
- WRUSD students who are determined to require physical management to avoid harm to self or others or otherwise require extensive 24-7 care beyond the ED-P day program will be referred to 24-7 residential facilities and not be served within this program
Programmatic and Personnel Requirements
Continuum of Services
The WRUSD ED-P program will provide the most restrictive and structured environment within the district prior to outside agency referral. The program will also provide a step-down placement in the district continuum for those students returning from outside placement to ensure scaffolded reintegration and application of learned skills and strategies. It is the full intent of the program to 1) avoid further restriction and displacement with outside agency placement; 2) ensure continuous leveled supports within the student’s school, community, and family structure; and 3) provide leveled supports to successfully transition the student into a less restrictive environment with the ability to apply learned skills and strategies.
Students participate in ED-P program in a self-contained school wing with multiple classrooms, conference rooms, and therapeutic rooms, including separate bathrooms. Students are provided school transportation and have alternate start/end school times to the general population. Students may participate in an adjusted or hybrid schedule, if necessary to accommodate individual needs and access to outside agencies, with on-line curriculum accessed from a combination of home/outside agencies and attendance on WRUSD campus.
The ED-P programming team for a classroom of no more than 12 students consists of:
- Highly Qualified certified Special Education teacher with Emotional Disability or Cross-Categorical endorsement and verified experience in working with students with emotional disabilities (hired by WRUSD)
- Master’s level Mental Health Counselor
- WRUSD School Psychologist assigned to Window Rock High School and ED-P program
- WRUSD Alternative Placement Coordinator (ED certified)
- Collaboration with outside agency mental health and behavioral staff such as Fort Defiance Indian Health Services Mental Health and Adolescent Care Unit, Navajo Regional Behavioral Health Agency, and Social Services.
Continuous training and collaboration in positive behavior interventions, behavior intervention planning, therapeutic skills, education implementation, professional development workshops, and in consult with outside agency mental health staff and professionals.