Phone: (928)729-7061 (direct line)
Degrees and Certifications:
BS, Elem. Ed- Northern Arizona University 2000 MEd, Secondary- Northern Arizona Univerity 2010
Mr. Marc Hillis
Welcome back to Window Rock High School! This year we will back in the classroom. We will start off slowly but will build up to a regular school year.
This is the beginning of my 13th year within the district, after teaching for 10 years at Salt River High School on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community in Scottsdale and two years at Ch'ooshgai Community School in Tohatchi. I was born here in good ol' Fort and graduated from WRHS, Class of '89 =O) Like some of you, I was a Scout athlete for football and wrestling. I served in Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom 1 (retiring in 2013). I used the GI Bill to get my Bachelors and Masters degrees from Northern Arizona University.
The courses I'll teach for the 2024-25 SY are:
-AP US History, 10th grade. This is an intense course on US History, and by passing the AP test, this course could count for either college credit or placement. Click here for syllabus, AP US History (APUSH)
-US History, 10th grade. Click here for syllabus, US History
You'll get out of these courses when you put into it. Whether its content related or not, I always want you to dig deeper into what we're doing. These courses are not hard but will be challenging. I will not overload you but you must stay on top of things. If you fall behind, you will then be overloaded.
I also coach WRestling for WRHS, so if you are interested let me know and we can talk. We've had tremendous success in our program within the last 12 years. The WRestling team has earned several team trophies and one Sectional Championship, seven state placers, three collegiate wrestlers, and hosts the prestigious Veterans Memorial Invitational. A lot of this is attributed to the assistant coaches I had and family support.
You can reach me at: Mhillis@wrschool.net OR (928)729-7061 for a direct line.
8:00 to 11:55 am, 12:30 to 3:30 pm
Contact hours:
12:30 to 1:25, 3:30 to 4:00 pm
* Any email sent outside of working/class hours (7:30am to 4:00 pm) will be answered the next school day or as soon as possible.