• Geometry

    Syllabus SY 2022-2023

    Requirement: The students should have one (1) credit in Algebra 1.

    Course Description:

    Geometry emphasizes critical thinking and learning abilities in numbers and modelling, as applied to six areas of study: Congruence; similarity; right triangles and trigonometry; circles; expressing geometric properties in equations; geometric measurements; and dimensions.  The students should be able to do the following tasks in each area:

    1. Congruence

    • Reason out quantitatively and understand measures and units when drawing figures and performing rigid motions such as translations, reflection, and rotations. The students should be able to establish the criteria of congruence while performing these rigid motions and formal construction/ drawing techniques and use these criteria as a familiar foundation for the development of formal proof for triangles and for other polygons.


     2. Similarity  Between Right Triangles and Trigonometry

    • Students should be able to apply their earlier experiences of rigid motion with dilations and proportions to build formal understanding and identify criteria for similar triangles and other geometric figures. They will use similarity to solve problems that involve triangular and other geometric figures, including problems in real- world context, and understand its application in trigonometry.

    3. Circles

    • Students should develop relationships between properties of circles, and the angles and lines ( radius, chords, secants, tangents) in the circles and model these relationships to determine missing measures. Students should be able to understand arc measures and linear measures. The unit radian will be introduced as another arc measure in preparation to the lesson in Unit circle.

    4. Geometric Properties in Equations/Modelling

    • Students should be able to prove theorems in a variety of formats, including inductive and deductive reasoning, and solve problems with triangles , quadrilaterals, circles, and other polygons. Students should be able to develop informal explanations of circumference, area, and volume formulas.  The students will develop an understanding of finding the volume of 3-dimensional solid figures, using their knowledge of the  properties and measurements of 2-dimensional figures (areas of polygons).

    5. Geometric Measurements and Dimensions

    • Students will be able to calculate areas of geometric figures and use these skills to find the volumes of solid figures. They will be able to find the surface areas and use the skill to calculate the number/amount of materials needed to construct the solid figures.

    Course Intent: Geometry uses Algebra 1 skills and improves students' sense-making skills through the study of geometric figures and their properties. The students will practice modeling algebraic equations using theorems and use manipulatives to gain deeper understanding of the content and be able to write equations/formulas in mathematical forms. The course will use the kinesthetic approach of teaching and learning to help fully develop the students' thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills. Thus, the course will apply the Teach Like A Champion (TLAC) approach to make learning more meaningful and lasting. The course is designed to support their needs with higher levels of mathematics, such as Algebra II, college algebra, and pre-calculus in solving quadratic equations, trigonometry, the unit circle, and their applications. 

    TLAC non-nonnegotiable strategies of teaching and learning (district mandates):  

    • THRESHOLD - every student greets the teacher by the doorway with a fist bump or a greeting.  
    • DO NOW - is a short assessment form of a previous lesson. Students will demonstrate their learning by answering at least 2 questions in the first 5 minutes of class time. This informs the teacher's instruction so that the teacher can bridge any gap that may loosen the connection to learn the next level of content. 
    • NO OPT OUT/COLD/CALL - students are expected to participate in the discussion when called.  No grade for right and wrong answers will be given. Instead, learning will be through formative discussions where the teacher asks questions and students answer/ask questions either to the teacher or his/her classmates. Students are expected to keep their focus on the learning objectives.
    • EVERYBODY WRITES (RACES, IN TEXT AND SYMBOLS) - students will summarize and demonstrate understanding by answering the EXIT questions for the day.
    • BREAK IT DOWN - students will develop their understanding and thinking skills if they express their ideas  both verbally and/or in written form.
    • WORK THE CLOCK - the class uses a timer to complete activities.  Hence, students are expected to be on task and on track of the day's assignments.




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  • Required in the classroom every day:

    • Your enthusiastic self
    • Notebook/binder
    • pencils
    • assignments
    • laptops