Boys Basketball Announcements
Student-AthletesARE YOU READY TO RETURN TO SPORTS?Have you gotten your Sports Physical done?Do you have a Register My Athlete Account?WINTER REGISTRATION ENDS IN NOVEMBERYOU MUST UPLOAD PHYSICALS & CERTIFICATES IN REGISTER MY ATHLETE PRIOR TO DEADLINE. DON'T WAIT!Click on the Link Register My Athlete to fill out all necessary physical documents for the new School Year 2024-2025. If you have any questions on the link please reach out to the athletic department 928-729-7011.
Boys Head Basketball Coach
Dr. Rachelle Jones
Boys Assistant Basketball Coaches
Mr. Clyde Hillis
Mr. Monte Manning
Head Girls Basketball Coach
Mr. Alex Gatewood
Girls Assistant Basketball Coaches
Mr. Duane Hanley
Ms. LaToya Hillis
Mr. Ryan Edison
Register My Athlete Events for SY 24-25

TMS Boys Basketball
Boys Head Basketball Coach
Dr. Rachelle Jones
Boys Assistant Basketball Coaches
Mr. Clyde Hillis
Mr. Monte Manning