• Fifth Grade Class Description

    The class type will be a fifth-grade self-contained classroom where one teacher will teach all subjects (reading, writing, math, and science) with the help of the SPED teacher and paraprofessionals. Social studies will mainly be integrated with other subjects. The students will be expected to perform well to meet or exceed the Arizona Department of Education standards. Inquiry-based learning, process skills, and higher-order thinking skills will be embedded. Technology will also be incorporated.


    All students are required to attend school prepared and on time every day. Students must arrive before 8:01 a.m. to avoid being marked as tardy, as this can impact their academic record and disrupt the learning environment.

    Grading (Formative Assessments)

    Grades will be computed as the mean of the total points attained over the total points possible for each subject. Grading will encompass bell work, classwork, participation/discussions, group projects, quizzes, tests, quarterly exams, and semester exams. Evaluation will commence in my class on August 06, 2024, and conclude on May 21, 2025.

    A         100% - 90%

    B          89% - 80%

                            C          79% - 70%

                            D          69% - 60%

                            F          59% or below

    AVID (College Readiness)

    I will integrate AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) into my fifth-grade classroom. This system increases the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges and succeed in higher education. The goal is to improve students’ critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities, which allows them to participate and succeed in courses of high rigor and better prepares them for postsecondary access and success of all students. In other words, your child will be challenged to work hard. 

    Make-Up Work

    The student is responsible for obtaining and making up assignments missed due to excused absences. Make-up homework is due a day after the student returns to class following an absence. Students are given extensions according to the number of days absent (i.e. 2 days for 2 days absent). All scheduled tests must be made up the day a student returns to class after an absence, or a zero will be given. If the assignment/test is not feasible, the next option is for the student to find and read one educational article and write a one-page summary.


    I highly recommend that your child allocates at least 20 minutes each day to reading. The reading material need not be restricted to books; it can encompass any written content, including newspapers, magazines, menus, junk mail, brochures, recipes, or cookbooks. Furthermore, students should practice their spelling words at home or complete spelling assignments. If a student needs extra support in a specific area, I will assign additional practice as homework.