Dine Bizaad Bee Hahoozhood

  • Ya'at'eeh Ama, Azhe'e, Anisehi,


    Welcome back Tsehootsooi Dine Bi’Olta’ Staff, Students, Parents, and Families!!!!  Welcome back Window Rock Unified School District Staff, Students, Parents, and Families!!!


    Our First Day of School may have presented many obstacles; however, we are thankful for the opportunity to see, communicate with, and educate our students.


    We kindly ask for your patience as we navigate through these uncertain times. We will continue to:


    • Provide online instruction from 8:00 – 10:00 AM and 1:00 – 3:00 PM daily
    • Provide packets (daily bus runs and site pick up)
    • Provide designated drop-offs for student assignments
    • Provide assistance when and where needed


    Nitsxaago Ahx4hee’ - we look forward to our new school year.

    Dr. Platero and the Ts4hootsooi Dine Bi’Olta’ Staff

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