Week of August 29
Posted by Nicole Noline on 8/28/2023
Hello Wonderful 5th Grade Parents!
The past few weeks we have been completing testing. I will be using the data to create groups for intervention and for my own knowledge to better drive my instruction to teach the students. When we meet at conferences, I will share with you my goals for them during that time.
I have also been spending this time getting to know your wonderful child. I do encourage them daily to tell me their wants and needs. My primary teacher heart always believes students learn best when their needs are met first. I love hearing their thoughts and opinions every time we have a discussion.
This week we are learning:
ELA (grammar, fluency, phonics/spelling, comprehension, vocabulary)
We are focusing on compound, complete subject, complete predicate, and subject verb agreement. We also complete sentence diagramming. If you google it there are some great examples. If we can understand how our different types of speech help us create sentences, we gain a better knowledge of the English language and also help develop our speech production.
Phonics and spelling go hand in hand. Being a former primary teacher, I teach using phonics to spell multisyllabic words. During my Master's program I studied decoding and encoding. It is so nice to see how I can still use this teaching method in upper grades, but this time with multisyllabic words. =)
Every week we have a set of 10 vocabulary words. I first started teaching all 10 in one day! I felt that was not purposeful and did not "stick" with the kids at the end of the day. So, for now, we do 5 a day. It has been amazing to see their understanding the past few days! We also collaborate together to use the frayer model to find synonyms and antonyms.
This week our story is to compare and contrast the characters in the story.
I have set the expectation that students must master their multiplication facts this year. I also mentioned to them, this should have been mastered in 3rd grade.
We have been working on multidigit multiplication. They all know how to do the "process" BUT we have issues when they have the wrong answer for multiplication. =(
I will be using RACES to drive my writing instruction. It is a great writing strategy and I even used it in my graduate school and always received so many compliments in my papers. However, this year my goal is to get my class to write multiple paragraphs.
This week's topic is: "Should we wear school uniforms?"
We will use RACES to defend our opinion!